Monday, February 25, 2008


.........................................................Death comes to all and death only hurts, but when it comes totally unanticipated it hurts the most. It virtually rips your heart apart and brings in that lump down your throat that is just so hard to swallow.

My dog, Victor died yesterday night. He s dead, no more and i would never ever be able to see him again, never ever. Never ever would i see him running up to wards the gate all excited to pounce on me when I head home, neva again would i have him curl down next to my legs when I sit in the verandah in the afternoon, neva again would i have to chase him down to get my sandal form his mouth, never again would i have to drag him to the cage when guests coem by, never again would I see him get all excited when he hears the word "Bread, Paapu or my bro s name
"Anson". I am gonna miss everything about my cream coloured mischievious labrador. Everything.

He was fighting with a cobra that entered our premises, like he had done in the past he was thrashing the snake, and mum and dad could only watch form a distance beause he hurls the deadly snake around making it dangerous for anybody to get close or to distract him, with the risk of a cobra bite. He thrashed the cobra to death, but nobody noticed the fatal bite the cobra delivered. So after the fight , when Victu all victorious and elated over his triumph came ova to mum and dad to receive his share of appreciation, he didnt kno that it would be his very last .

Mum got him his fav plum cakes and milk, before she noticed the blood oozing from below his ears. Afetr cleaning the wound, she knew it, Victu received a bite .

He didnt suffer much and in another 30 minutes he died in her arms. "Vittu" as she calls him with affection was no more.
My mum s four legged son is dead, her Vittu is dead. And everything about him is gone , foreva.

It was devastating, mum broke down, my bro was in tears when he rang me up and said
"Vittu is gone , bro .. our Vittu is gone ", and I had a lump develop in my throat which wudnt go down. My handsome labrador is dead and this time when I head home in april, I wont see Victu run over to pounce on me, I would see his empty cage.

Death takes away everything, it leaves behind a vaccum in your life and that nothingness would shatter you, especially when are not mentally prepared for such a vaccum. It s gunna take a while for my mum to comprehend the fact that her "Jiggar ka Tukda" is gone.

When she is in the kitchen and making food , they would no more be Vittu lurking around near the kitchen for his biscuits , there would no more be the lunch time barking, there would no more be the afternoon bark , there would no more b the break fast bark, there would be nothing at all.
Mum would nt need to worry about the clothes in the clothline, she would not need to worry about the banana plants "Vittu" would rip apart, Dad wudnt need to worry abt the morning newspaper getting soiled. They would nt need to worry about anything at all. And that would leave devastated.

He s gone and now what s left of him are the memories , the photographs and the videos.
Victor is gone and he died like a hero, with honour with pride. He had a gr8 life, he received all the love he could ever imagine. A mum who would only pamper him, brothers who would play with him and treat him more than a brother and a dad who cared after him.

Victor is gone and with a heavy heart, I have to accept it.


Born: 25th Oct 2004
died: 24rth feb 2008


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly touching bro... even I remember the day I saw him for teh first time. hardly few months old.
But he died a Heroes death which we should be proud of.